Batchwood School: Passion Belief Courage

Curriculum Philosophy

Our curriculum is at the heart of everything we do.

Ofsted has a working definition of a curriculum which is:

  • The curriculum is a framework for setting out the aims of a programme of education, including the knowledge and understanding to be gained at each stage (intent)
  • For translating that framework over time into a structure and narrative, within an institutional context (implementation)and,
  • For evaluating what knowledge and skills students have gained against expectations (impact/achievement)

The aim of the curriculum at Batchwood School is to create:

  • Successful learners who enjoy learning; make good progress and achieve excellence.
  • Confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives.
  • Responsible citizens who can make a positive contribution to society.

It is essential that the curriculum is organised in such a way that it provides students with the opportunity to learn expected behaviours and be successful in their learning so that we can deliver our mission and aims.

Curriculum Intent: Fostering life-long learning behaviours at school through independence, choice, collaboration and personal discovery.

At Batchwood School, we aim to provide a curriculum which:

  • Is as rich, inspiring and broad as possible to allow students to widen their horizons in each subject
  • Takes into account individual needs and styles
  • Provides the depth that enables students to master the key knowledge and skills essential for each subject
  • Is well designed, inclusive and carefully sequenced to provide all students with a rigorous foundation for future progression
  • Engenders high expectations and challenge in order to develop students’ perseverance and self-belief
  • Provides students with opportunities to take their curriculum beyond the classroom to develop their love of learning, independence and creative thinking
  • Offers students a wide range of opportunities to own and personalise their curriculum in order to develop existing talents and interests and discover new ones
  • Enables students to maximise their potential, achieving the highest levels of academic success leading to the widest range of pathways
  • Raises students’ aspirations and equips them with the knowledge and skills to flourish in their future careers
  • Will support all students to become confident and articulate and are able to lead, persuade and challenge others
  • Fosters the development of students’ character, personal development, health and wellbeing preparing them to make a valuable contribution to society
  • Allows everyone to experience success
  • Develops the students own emotional and mental health

Curriculum Principles

  • Clear progress from the time of starting at Batchwood including academic outcomes
  • There should be depth before breadth.  Maximise learning time in all subjects
  • Additional time is given to English and Mathematics to ensure that students have the essential skills needed for life and to access the full curriculum
  • Targeted support and additional challenge to ensure all students make at least national rates of progress
  • Deep Learning Weeks to address SMSC and aspirations
  • To support induction into secondary school for all Year 7 students and ‘In-Year’ admissions

Curriculum Implementation

So, how are we going to deliver this?  

We have a very broad KS3 Curriculum covering 11 subjects meeting all the national curriculum requirements. This is taught in 25 hours of contact time each week. Each lesson is 40 minutes in length.

Years 7 – 9 (Key Stage 3)

The curriculum includes:

  • English – including Reading for pleasure
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Art and Design
  • Cooking & Nutrition
  • Design Technology
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • Forest School
  • Preparation for Adult Life – Covers RSCHE and Emotional Resilience

We often find with the nature of our students that their reading, writing and spelling ages are behind their chronological reading age. We therefore offer additional 1:1 support in raising these levels so that the students are able to access the curriculum more easily.

Years 10-11 (Key Stage 4)

In Year 9 students begin the process of choosing the curriculum that is right for them, that suits their needs and prepares them for ‘life after Batchwood’.

All students must study the following:

  • English – Literature and Language
  • Mathematics
  • Science – Core and Additional Science or Triple Science - Biology, Physics and Chemistry
  • PE
  • Preparation for Adult Life – Covers RSCHE and Study Skills – No external examination

Students can choose from a range of subjects on offer such as:

  • Triple Science
  • History
  • Sport (BTEC)
  • Art and Design (GCSE)
  • Design Technology (NCFE Level 2)
  • Food Technology (NCFE Level 2/GCSE)
  • Music (NCFE Level 2)
  • Animal Care (BTEC Level 1 at Oaklands College)
  • Hairdressing (Level 1 & 2)
  • Horticulture (BTEC Level 1)
  • Construction (BTEC Level 1)
  • Motor vehicle Maintenance (City & Guilds Level 1)


An additional after-school enrichment programme for both keystage 3 and keystage 4 includes a range of activities such as:

  • Keep fit
  • Sports
  • Art
  • Reading
  • Games (to develop social skills)

Deep Learning Days (Years 7-11)

Deep Learning Days are set days in the year where the normal lesson timetable is suspended and where our students can learn in different ways such as:

  • Off-site
  • With external providers
  • Mixed year classes
  • Through discussion and debate

We explore a range of topics and issues across the school such as:

  • Staying Safe
  • British Values
  • Other cultures
  • Study Skills
  • Careers
  • Community work
  • Social experiences

Curriculum Impact

What difference is this curriculum making to our students?  

It is intended that the rich, broad and diverse curriculum on offer to our students at Batchwood School will begin to produce young people who must and can, think for themselves, be resilient and face challenges with strategies to overcome and progress. It is through the careful planning of our curriculum and ensuring we put in place the correct ‘building blocks’, we anticipate achieving our aim.

Finally, we want to equip our students with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. This is the essential knowledge that our students need to be educated citizens, introducing them to the best that has been thought and said and helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement. This is about human inspiration. It is about growing and developing the highest aspirations for all our students. We want our students not to survive after Batchwood, but THRIVE after Batchwood.

Above all else, none of this can be achieved without the excellent relationships we enjoy with our students and continue to grow, nurture and develop.

See more about all subject areas in our Curriculum pages