House System
All subject areas deliver well planned and structured lessons. As well as the traditional subjects we offer the opportunity for Vocational Studies in Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4.
In all classrooms there are excellent ICT facilities that support the learning environment. Students are taught in small classes and have access to one to one support in Numeracy and Literacy, if deemed necessary. We also offer a range of after school clubs and activities to extend the learning, progress and enjoyment for our students.
In Key Stage 4, students have the opportunity to choose options to compliment the Core Subjects. Each student has a personalised learning pathway which can include GCSEs, Btecs, College, Work Experience and other Vocational Opportunities.
All students are baseline assessed in their first week at Batchwood. They are then put into groups to suit their needs. All students at KS4 follow a curriculum to suit their ability and needs. Batchwood work closely with Youth Connexions to ensure students make informed decisions regarding their future career. This advice begins in year 9 and continues through to year 11.
English, Mathematics, Science, Art, Ceramics, City and Guilds, Design Tec, Food Tec, Music and Music Production, PE, PSHCE, Religious Studies and alternative provisions using Oaklands, Luton Hoo, Forest Schools and Motorbike Mechanics and Safe Handling through TRAXs.
English, Mathematics, Science, Art, Careers, Ceramics, City and Guilds, Design Tec, Food Tec, Horticulture, Music and Music Production, Photography, PE, Wider Key Skills, Functional Skills. Alternative provision, such as Forest schools, Land Based Studies, and Vocational Studies at Oaklands including Animal Care, Catering, Motor Vehicle, Electrical Installation, Equine and Construction.
This is available for students at KS4. Students have undertaken work experience in Motor Mechanics, Hairdressing, Child Care, Working in a Primary School, Animal Care and Forestry.
Work experience is coordinated through the Herts Chamber of Commerce.
House System
School Council