Preparation for Learning
Regular and consistent home learning fully supports Batchwood Schools ethos of “Make Everyday Count” because we believe it:
- provides opportunities for all students to achieve their potential
- promotes a positive ethos and culture in which learning and achievement can flourish, excel and be rewarded
- prepares students for life so that they can confidently take their place in a rapidly changing society as motivated citizens with creative and enquiring minds
Purpose of home learning
Home learning will be regularly set and marked in order to:
- provide an opportunity for students to deepen their learning and develop their interest and enthusiasm for the subject
- consolidate and reinforce students‘ skills, knowledge and understanding
- help students to develop the habits, motivation, confidence and skills required to become independent and lifelong learners
- help students to meet particular demands, such as the completion of GCSE coursework
- helps parents to become involved in their child‘s learning and work and help keep them informed about their child‘s progress
Expectations of home learning
We expect students to:
- settle down quickly at tutor time at the end of every day
- spend the appropriate time to complete their home learning to the best of their ability
- be prepared to work collaboratively with others to embed the learning
- hand in their home learning in class on the day it is due, or to the teacher as soon after as possible if they are absent on the day
We expect teaching staff to:
- set home learning frequently and regularly, mark it promptly with comments and targets that will help students progress if acted upon.
- Provide the home learning task to the relevant tutor with clear guidance
- set meaningful home learning activities that will help students build connections between what they have learned in individual lessons.
- set activities that are differentiated, inclusive, appropriate, challenging, and which vary in type and style.
- sanction students who fail to complete home based learning adequately or who fail to hand it in on time
We expect tutors to:
- check that students have appropriate home learning in the relevant subject for each night
- check home learning is completed and provide guidance to students who need it
We expect parents to:
- talk through home learning completed each night and ask relevant questions
- at KS4, provide their child with a suitable learning environment in which to complete their home based research activities, without distractions
- demonstrate a real interest in the learning of the day