Parental contact
We have a comprehensive academic support system involving parent teacher consultation evenings, learning review days, an integrated reporting cycle and many other information evenings concerning support for examinations and how to learn most effectively.
Progress reports
At Batchwood we report to parents four times a year on their child’s progress. The purpose of this assessment, recording and reporting system is to provide regular information throughout the year to both students and parents on how students are progressing in relation to their academic ability and potential, based on prior data. More importantly, in line with our teaching and learning policy, it will offer advice on how students can improve.
Each progress report contains the following information:
Target Grades for each individual subject (based on 'prior data', especially performance in their most recent NCT tests);
Current level of attainment in each individual subject;
Current progress (indicated by the difference between the student‘s current level of attainment and their Target Grade);
Attitude to learning (A2L), acknowledged by a number of indicators including:
- Attendance and punctuality
- Effort
- Number of reward marks gained
In addition to this, each individual subject teacher and the Headteacher provide comments and advice to help guide each student‘s progress.
Learning Review day
Learning review day provides an opportunity for parents to discuss with their sons progress across all subjects during a 15 minute session with their mentor. Students should also attend these interviews. Parents are provided, in advance, with current information on their child‘s academic progress. At the interview targets for improvement are negotiated which are then monitored by the child and the mentor.
Parent teacher consultations
Parent teacher consultation evenings are held once a year for each key stage and provide an opportunity for parents and students to meet with their subject teachers to discuss progress in individual subjects.
Curriculum evenings
In addition parents are invited to special Curriculum Evenings: TCI, working with ASD, Year 9 into 10 and ‘Beyond year 11’. Parents are welcome to contact the school at any time to discuss their child‘s welfare and progress. Such enquiries should be directed in the first instance to the child‘s Director of Learning. Appointments can also be made with other members of the Leadership Group, including the Headteacher. Parents receive comprehensive termly reports highlighting academic progress and identifying areas for future development.
Ad hoc consultation
Parents are welcome to contact the school at any time to discuss their son‘s welfare and progress. Such enquiries should be directed, in the first instance, to the Home Liaison Team. Appointments can also be made with other members of the Leadership Group, including the Headteacher.