Batchwood School: Passion Belief Courage

Luton Hoo


One morning each week at Luton Hoo Walled Garden, a group of Year 9 and 10 students are studying towards a Btec in Horticulture.  The spectacular setting of the Walled Garden provides a wide range of outdoor classrooms including glass houses and conservatories, vegetable and herb gardens, herbaceous borders and wildflower meadows.
From preparing the soil to sowing seeds,pruning, potting up, plant propagation andharvesting fruits and seeds, the students learn the techniques and acquire the skills central to the production fruit, vegetable and flowersand  in different conditions throughout the seasons.
Batchwood School’s own garden which is being developed is benefitting too from the enthusiasm and skills that the students are learning during these outdoor sessions.  They are already beginning to design and plant out their own Butterfly Garden as part of their related studies in the Improvement and Conservation of Wildlife.

Gallery: Students at Luton Hoo