Batchwood School: Passion Belief Courage


2019/20 Performance

Batchwood School - Latest Performance Tables (on GOV.UK)


2018 Exams Analysis

Results 2018

Batchwood School is exempt from the national floor standard for measuring Performance 8, however our Performance Score is still published and this data is statutory:

  • Our published Progress 8 score for all students was -1.93 which is a similar figure to last year. However, the upper confidence interval which is a truer indicative measure for small cohorts is -1.29.
  • Our Attainment 8 Average is 7.22 which is again a similar figure to last year.
  • 0% of students achieved a good or strong grade in English and Maths (a good grade in 2018 is defined as a level 4 and a strong grade is a level 5).
  • 0% of students achieved the English Baccalaureate (this means pupils who got a GCSE grade C or above in English, Maths, 2 sciences, a language and History or Geography).


Student Post-16 provision
Student 1 Springboard
Student 1 Level 1 Sports
Student 2 Springboard
Student 3 Springboard
Student 4 Level 1 Land Based Studies
Student 5 Level 1 Animal Studies
Student 6 Level 1 Carpentry & Joinery
Student 7 Level 1 Sports
Student 8 Level 1 Welding
Student 9 Level 1 Electrical Installation
Student 10 Level 1 Art & Design
Student 11 Level 2 Art & Design
Student 12 Springboard
Student 13 Landmark
Student 14 Springboard


It is also important to remember that our Students starting points at Key Stage 2 are well below the national average. This years cohort of Year 11 students have a Key Stage 2 APS of 21.00 (Roughly a national Curriculum level of a 3C) compared to a national average of 27.6 (national curriculum level of a 4B). This means that our students come to our school with a Key Stage 2 score which is 4 sub levels lower than the national average.

Results for Vulnerable Groups – Closing the Gaps

At Batchwood School we are focused on closing gaps in Attainment/Achievement for our disadvantaged pupils. We had 11 disadvantaged students at the End of Key Stage 4 (73%). Our focus on closing gaps has proved to be effective as the data below demonstrates:

  • Pupil Premium (disadvantaged) students had a P8 score of -1.60 which is lower than the overall cohort, again the 95% upper confidence interval shows a P8 score for these students of -0.85.
  • Disadvantaged students achieved an attainment 8 average score of 9.68 which is above the score of the average student (7.22).

How Disadvantaged Students succeed at Batchwood School

  Disadvantaged All Difference
Progress 8 -1.60 -1.93 0.33
Attainment 8 9.68 7.22 2.46
Progress 8 English Element -1.82 -2.20 0.38
Progress 8 Maths Element -1.60 -1.85 0.25
Progress 8 E-bacc Element -1.61 -1.86 0.25
Progress 8 Open Element -1.45 -1.86 0.41
English Element Score 2.36 1.73 0.63
Maths Element Score 1.09 0.80 0.29
E Bacc Element Score 1.91 1.40 0.51
Open Element Score 4.32 3.28 1.04
Average EBACC APS Score 0.61 0.44 0.17

So, we can see that there are only positive gaps in achievement for our disadvantaged students. We can see that in the Open Element Score, the disadvantaged students have one whole level higher than the general cohort.

Results for Low Prior Attainers

We have already seen in the context that we have a lot of students who come to Batchwood School with low prior attainment at Key Stage 2. 60% of our Year 11 cohort were defined as being low prior attainers at KS2. Nationally, this demograph of student has lower attainment/achievement than their middle/high attaining counterparts. It is testimony to the standards of teaching at Batchwood school, that this groups of students are not disadvtantaged by their low prior attainment. The table below demonstrates this:

How Low Attaining Students succeed at Batchwood School

  Low Attainers Middle Attainers Difference
Progress 8 -1.23 -2.97 1.74
Progress 8 Upper Confident Level -0.40 -1.96 1.56
Average Attainment 8 Score 8.06 5.96 2.1
Average EBACC Score 0.50 0.36 0.14
  • The difference is progress 8 score for low to middle attainers is nearly 2 levels higher.
  • The upper confidence level score for lower attainers is -0.40. Nationally the upper confidence level P8 score for SEMH students is -1.14. This is a significant difference.


  • Please note that the definition for low prior attainment at Key Stage 2 is students who are below the expected level of 4B.
  • An upper confidence level is a measurement applied to small/untypical cohorts which is what we have at Batchwood school. The 95% confidence level is applied to this data by the DFE. Setting 95% confidence limits means that if you took repeated random samples from a population and calculated the mean and confidence limits for each sample, the confidence interval for 95% of your samples would include the parametric mean.