Art and Design
"Art in schools is aimed at enriching, advancing and fostering the growth of children’s personalities through developing their creative powers and enabling them to express themselves creatively in whatever medium they use”
- Head Of Department - Art & Design/Photography Teacher - Charlotte Maxen
- Teaching Assistant – Kim Morgan
Art & Design: Intent, Implementation and Impact
Art & Design Aims at Batchwood School
- The Art Department seeks to provide a wide variety of experiences in Art and Design, using different media to enable students to explore imaginatively and to respond to the world around them
- The department helps them to develop and communicate their ideas and appreciate different kinds of art across cultures, times and styles
- Throughout the school you can see examples of students’ creative and imaginative response to art
- To foster the individual child's creative ability and to develop the technical skills necessary to achieve their full potential
- To develop confidence, value and pleasure in Art
- To enable the students to express their own ideas, feelings, thoughts and experiences
- To foster students confidence, self-esteem and independent learning
- To cultivate high expectations for themselves, their work and their behaviour
In the department we have two art studios equipped for a variety of equipment and processes. We have facilities for painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics, batik, photography and digital manipulation. We are well stocked with a variety of materials as well as a diverse variety of art books and magazines. We offer opportunities throughout the year for students to enter work into competitions and exhibit work in school. The department runs a number of trips to a variety of galleries and museums such as the Tate Modern, Kew Gardens, Ashridge forest, and Butterfly World.
KS3 Course Outline
At Key Stage 3 students use a variety of key concepts to enhance creativity, competence and cultural and critical understanding. The students also study a range of art, craft and design that investigates key processes such as exploring and creating ideas and understanding and evaluating the purpose of their own and others work. Furthermore, they are asked to explore ideas and meanings of the work of artists, craftspeople and designers, developing opinions of their own. In addition to this they are asked to explore the diverse roles and functions of art, craft and design in contemporary life and different cultures. Curriculum opportunities allow the students to work collaboratively and within a multidisciplinary practice.
KS4 Course Outline
- At KS4 the students develop ideas through investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and cultural understanding.
- Refine ideas through experimenting and selecting appropriate media, materials and techniques
- Record ideas and observations relevant to intentions and present a personal response, making connections with write, oral or other source.
- For those wishing to take their art studies further we offer a GCSE course in Art and Design, Ceramics and Photography.
We offer opportunities for students to extend their skills and learning further through a number of extra curricular activities, including an art club.
Year 11 - Work based on theme of 'Structures'
Year 9 - South American Pueblo Pottery
Year 7 - Native American Masks