Achieving success
Recognising and rewarding achievement is central to our philosophy of success and supports our core value of consideration for learning.
We have a very strong reward system which celebrates all levels of success and encourages students to do their very best. A mentor is allocated to each student which further supports their learning and monitors their progress.
We provide a half termly report to parents/carers on student progress and exceptional effort is rewarded with a special letter of congratulations from the Headteacher.
Throughout the year, students receive credits and merits for excellent work and behaviour which contribute to reward trips and other prizes at the end of each term. We also monitor attendance closely and, each term, special prizes are given to students for exceptional attendance and for the best attending form. At the end of the year a special celebration day is held where we say farewell to year 11 as well as celebrating subject awards, and pastoral awards. This is where we publically recognise student achievement through a variety of awards and trophies.
To further promote and celebrate success, staff nominate students on a termly basis for a Roll of Honour board in each subject area of the school. Students also receive congratulatory letters for their achievement.
Our rewards take many forms; it is important that effort and achievement of all kinds are treated as noteworthy. Staff send postcards home when a student has achieved 10 merits and if a student exceeds their target grade, or make exceptional progress, a letter from the Headteacher is sent home. We encourage students to take real pride in their own achievements and to respect the achievement of others.