Safer Schools Newsletter
December 2020
Encouraged, supported and challenged
We believe that students learn best when they are in an environment in which they feel safe and secure.
Students find it easy to settle into life and learning at Batchwood and consequently make very good progress.
Students’ learning is supported through a well developed pastoral system which enables them to work within clear boundaries. Students are allocated a tutor group on arrival and have the stability of working in this group as they progress through the school.
The tutor and DoP’s play a vital role in supporting and encouraging each individual and are the first point of contact between school and home.
Our Able, Gifted and Talented programmes are designed to support all learners and tailor our support to each child's specific needs.
Parents also provide a vital role in supporting their children in their studies. We continue to work on ways to help parents to monitor their children's progress, know what home learning they have been set and have access to resources to support their learning.
Further information is available under the headings on the menu.
Safer Schools Newsletter
December 2020