Gallery: 2013 YR11 Leavers’ Ceremony
Leavers' Ceremony
This occasion was held during the last week of term, where the staff have the opportunity to wish every success to the year 11 leavers.
The evening proved to be an emotional time for all. Throughout the evening the students showed their understanding of Romeo and Juliet, where they acted out a scene. Other students performed a street dance.
At the end the year 11's were presented with their leavers 'goodie bags'.
Snowdonia Mountaineering Trip February 2017
Cooking & Nutrition
Art & Design/Ceramics Exhibition 2015-16
Lions of Zululand
Snowdonia Mountaineering Trip 2016
Miraculous Metamorphosis (Art & Design / Outdoor Learning)
A Cross Curricula Project for Food tech, Art & Design & Horticulture
Rocket Science (Art & Design / Horticulture)
Waitrose - Grow & Sell (Art & Design / Horticulture)
Alton Towers Year 11 Leavers Trip
Fishing Trip at Riverside Fishery
Talent Show March 2016
Chris Ashton
- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Challenger Residential Trip and Passing Out parade
Fun Rings Enrichment Activity
Building the Stone Age Roundhouse - Construction
Building the Stone Age Roundhouse & Creating Shingles
Trip to Celtic Harmony Iron Age Heritage Centre
Trip To Great Groves: Harvesting Oak
Bushcraft Adventures 3
Bushcraft Adventures 2
Bushcraft Adventures 1
Horticulture Fun
Year 11 - Work based on theme of ‘Structures’
Year 9 - Ceramics Vessels
Year 9 - South American Pueblo Pottery
Year 7 - Native American Masks
Schools Art Exhibition January 2016
Spanish Day
Senior Boys Dodgeball Tournament
Year 7 and 8 Parents Evening October 2015
Visit to the Theatre - The Railway Children
Batchwood School Tree Planting
Trip to Science Museum
After School Club
Harry Potter Studios
Fire Brigade
Christmas Meal
Luton Hoo
Children in Need
Ark Farm
2013 YR11 Leavers’ Ceremony
Down the Woods
Alternative Provision
Art and Design
Physical Education
Food Technology
Design and Technology