Gallery: Challenger Residential Trip and Passing Out parade
Over the past term, 10 students have all taken part in the Challenger Troop course which aims to test the students and implement good self-discipline in a military setting. Although many found this difficult at first, all the students have progressed extremely well. This course has enabled the students to take part in a number of exciting activities, including, rock climbing, fire lighting, shelter building, archery, first aid and above all, teamwork. Challenger Troop is a fantastic course in which students can build self-discipline, integrity and can even earn them a Level 1/2 BTEQ by completing the course.
These students were given the opportunity to showcase these acquired skills during a residential trip to Thriftwood Scout Camp where they had to build their own shelter for the night, out of nothing more than a sheet of canvas, bungee cords and some bits of wood found on the site. The capabilities of these shelters were put to the test that night when all the elements were against them. During the trip, each student was issued a pack which contained all the necessary equipment to last the night. The students were also issued a laser gun to take responsibility of. The students had to survive on army ration packs which they learnt how to prepare and cook during the term. There was many swapping of dinners and deserts until everyone got the one they wanted, except the staff of course.
During the evening, the students had to organise a patrol route and try and find the enemy camp and overhear the enemy’s plans for the following day’s battle which everyone enjoyed taking part in.
The students were all recognised for their achievements during the ‘Passing Out Parade’ in which Challenger Troop staff, parents/carers, Batchwood staff , the school governor; Kerry Pollard and the Mayor of St Albans; Salih Gaygusuz were all invited. The students were able to show off the skills they had attained during the term when they performed an Army Drill which highlighted the discipline they had gained.
Every student passed their first aid course and received a certificate to show their achievements as well as one to commend their completion of Challenger Troop.
Thank you to all who have helped and supported along the way and again, well done to the students.
If you know of a school or youth group who would be interested in this programme, please visit their website at [url=][/url] .
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