Gallery: Alton Towers Year 11 Leavers Trip
To celebrate and recognise the year 11’s hard work this year, they were rewarded with a two day residential trip to Alton Towers. The venue was chosen by the year 11s themselves.
On the first day after a very early 7am start we arrived at Alton Towers just after 10am. The day was spent on the exhilarating and thrilling rides, many of the pupils conquering fears to go on certain rides. As the park closed we made our way to our hotel in Stoke and booked into our rooms. The evening was spent relaxing, over a lovely dinner, in the hotel restaurant followed by an early night ready for the next day.
The second day started with another early start and a delicious Mc Donalds breakfast. The morning was spent going on all the students favourite rides before we left to travel back to school. It was lovely to see the students enjoying each other’s company one last time before they go their separate ways. The staff on the trip commented how well the students behaved and what a pleasure it had been to accompany them on their last Batchwood School trip.
Art & Design/Ceramics Exhibition 2015-16
Lions of Zululand
Snowdonia Mountaineering Trip 2016
Miraculous Metamorphosis (Art & Design / Outdoor Learning)
A Cross Curricula Project for Food tech, Art & Design & Horticulture
Rocket Science (Art & Design / Horticulture)
Waitrose - Grow & Sell (Art & Design / Horticulture)
Alton Towers Year 11 Leavers Trip
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Talent Show March 2016
Chris Ashton
Challenger Residential Trip and Passing Out parade
Fun Rings Enrichment Activity
Building the Stone Age Roundhouse - Construction
Building the Stone Age Roundhouse & Creating Shingles
Trip to Celtic Harmony Iron Age Heritage Centre
Trip To Great Groves: Harvesting Oak
Bushcraft Adventures 3
Bushcraft Adventures 2
Bushcraft Adventures 1
Horticulture Fun
Year 11 - Work based on theme of ‘Structures’
Year 9 - Ceramics Vessels
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Year 7 - Native American Masks
Schools Art Exhibition January 2016
Spanish Day
Senior Boys Dodgeball Tournament